Home Council Special Council Meeting November 25

Special Council Meeting November 25


Alexander Leach, Editor

WHITEWATER REGION – A Special Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region convened at 4:45pm on November 25, to discuss the budget to hear and approve the 2021 Water and Wastewater Budgets, and to hear and approve the proposed list of User Fees and Charges for 2021.

Treasurer Sean Crozier outlined the items for Water, included a $50,000 Cobden water tower inspection to address possible corrosion.

He said there was a total of 1,061 waterusing units.

He also said that there was to be a $6.70 increase to the residential water rate for the region.

Mayor Moore asked whether the tank replacement in Beachburg.

CAO Trembley said that the Wellhead protection was “just due diligence.” he said. “We weren’t sure if additional lots could be accommodated in Haley station. That study will help clarify and help show if the water is safe.”

Manager Lane Cleroux said that the Beachburg tank replacement was one of the jobs health off on due to the lack of grant.

Councillor Jackson asked if something could be done about the water plant roof regarding “bird’s waste” and the overall bird colonization.

Councillor Mackay suggested they “make a pattern with fishing line” as a cheap way to prevent bird access to the roofs.


Crozier outlined 40,000 for Cobden Wastewater CCTV and $15,000 Cobden Wastewater treatment final clarifier repair.

He said there were 500 total units for Wastewater and a $27.63 increase, which he said was half of what an ASTER study called for.

He said there was no new debt on the book for Wastewater.

Councillor Jackson asked if there were any usage from breweries as they were not metered.

Clereux said that they had no usage due to the lack of meter.

Jackson asked if they could determine that as breweries were “of high usage”, as well as that of restaurants or the old-folks homes.

CAO Trembley said that they had recently gotten some information from Madawaska Valley that “they would look at”, and that Clereux would clarify the definitions.

Mayor Moore said that the entire rates sheet should be looked at to facilitate growth. “We want our businesses to grow, and they can’t do that if they’re paying too much for water.”

“We have to be a bit careful.” Councillor Olmstead said. “We have ten high-business areas in the area and we don’t want to do anything to discourage them.”

“I don’t want to put anyone out of business.” Councillor Jackson said. “But we’re looking at the residential units use of water, and they’re not the high users.”

She asked if they can look into metering high-business areas.

According to Lane Cleroux, the sewage plant will be finished up in “Q3 of 2021”, and was four month delayed before the pandemic.

“For a 10 million dollar project to be three months behind on substantial related completed is not out of the question, especially with blasting, Covid, and other sequential events.” CAO Trembley said.

Crozier also discussed the public meeting on December 9th, and that questions could be submitted online by December 4th.

User Fees Schedules

The Council heard the changes to the User Fees for 2021.

Sean Crozier said that user fees comprised about 28 percent of their proposed tax levy.

Councillor Charlene Jackson led questions regarding the list.

CAO Trembley also said that they had considered a lifetime dog tag, but did not feel it was necessary to change it.

“The fees cover the costs associated with the program.” he said.

Mayor Moore pointed out that there was no mention of pellet stoves, which he said were a “major point of contention for firefighters”.

“It can certainly put the fire department into costly ventures.”

The Mayor Moore asked if the Canadian Tire Club and Kayla’s Club had a seperate rate, which Jordan Durocher said was covered under their minor rate.

“I like the idea of the user fee compilation.” The Mayor said. “Thank you for everyone working on their diligent work. I know that it was an excruciating pain to do this in September.”

The Council Went into Closed Session at 6:01 pm in order to discuss a procedure, plan, or criteria regarding an industrial park agreement.

The video resumed at 6:32 to exit closed session, where CAO Trembley to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 pm.

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