Home Municipal Elections Special Groups Question

Special Groups Question


Susan Dagenais asked: “with all that’s going on the world, will you ensure that the anti-Christian and anti-community campaign in our schools is opposed?

She did not elaborate save to mention a group meeting to oppose claims.

Mike Moore’s response: “You’re not going to like the answer.” he said. “No.”

Dagenais followed up with “Are you concerned enough for the innocent children and their indoctrination?” She said he wanted to preserve the ‘innocence of the region’.

Connie Tabbert said that she’d received reports of of litterboxes given to children ‘who identify as cats’, which the Whitewater News confirms is a hoax also claimed of a school in Michigan.

“It’ll be the parents that have to fight that.” She said.

Donna Burns said that “the municipality needs to follow its constitution” and shared the opinion that this was not a Council matter.

“They can’t get involved in doing for a special group. This group has a right to share information, but the municipal Council cannot take sides.”

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