Home Council Tender Results of Sale

Tender Results of Sale


The Council heard the motion to proceed with negotiations with an adjacant vacant land in the Industrial Park as an addition for agricultural use.

CAO Trembley said they had received no bids for the land from public tender, but that a ‘farmer’ had expressed interest in the land.

Ivan Burton said that the ultimate impact was to “Remove employment lands” from terms of employment, but that the land has to be developed for it to occur.

“It has no real value to us at this point.”

CAO Trembley said that they had sold land to the farmer before,and that they receive no taxes if it is unused.

Councillor Mackay asked if they could rent it, rather than sell “important industrial land we might need.”

CAO Trembley said that it was the only vacant industrial land left, but that it’s “tilled at the back, despite it being ours” and that its rocky nature presents a problem for development.

“In the past eight years, we’ve sold quite a few parcels of land.” Councillor McLaughlin said. “I feel that we should keep it, but if someone’s already tilling it we feel that there must be a token.”

“I’m against the motion.” Councillor Olmstead said.

CAO Trembley said that the land deal would be discussed in closed session, and that the Mayor should ‘vote it down’ and that he would inform the budding landowner, and they could still discuss the terms in closed.

A vote was called, and the motion was carried as ‘Nay’.

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