Home Special Interest The conclusion of Plato on the rise of tyrants

The conclusion of Plato on the rise of tyrants


The final in a four-part series by Donald E. Broome, Cobden
Plato described in even greater detail what happens when a tyrant begins to lose his popularity saying, “When those who joined in putting him in power begin to openly speak their minds – both to him and one another – and the more courageous of them will even cast in his teeth concerning what is being done. The tyrant, if he means to continue his rule, must get rid of them as long as he has a friend or an enemy who is good for anything” so some he will kill and others he will banish – and he must so do, or either perish at the hands of his enemies. Or, a man who has become a wolf as the tyrant himself is, for he who has tasted the blood of a single victim is destined to become a wolf also. Therefore, the tyrant must take heed to himself and cast about to see who is valiant, who is high-minded, who is wise, who is wealthy and who is a happy. For, of such, are the enemies of tyrants, and thus he must seek occasion against them whether he will or not, until he has made a purge of them. But, this is not the purgation of which physicians make, for they take away the worst part and leave the better part, while the tyrant takes away the better part and leaves the worst part.
As the actions of the tyrant become more detestable, ever the more satellites and the greater devotion from them he will require. But, who are these devoted bands, and from whence will he procure them? First, he will first rob the citizens of their slaves who he will then set free and enroll in his bodyguard, and of a certainty, he will trust them above all others. But, what a creature must this tyrant be? For he has put to death the best and taken the worst to be his trusted friends. As they are the new citizens he himself has called into existence, who will admire him greatly and be his constant companions. But, the good people will hate and avoid him, while his new companions will incite mobs and hire voices most loud and persuasive who will draw many to him as they are paid for doing this. And, they will receive great honors from the tyrant who created them, for these mercenary poets are the foremost eulogists of the tyrants rule who will praise him most lavishly as being godlike, But, as they ascend the constitutional hill ever the more do their reputations fail, and of a times they seem unable from shortness of breath to proceed any further.
“Therefore, let us now inquire as to how the tyrant will maintain his ever expanding oppression. For in the beginning he will say to himself, “There are sacred treasures within the city, and by heaven I will confiscate and spend them” and when the people realize they have harbored a monster in their bosom’s and decide to drive him out, they will find that he is not weak, but instead has made himself strong. And, he will not hesitate to employ act of violence and brutality against his own people, and beat even his own father if he opposes him?
Yes he will beat his own father and people, but only after disarming them first, after which he will become the cruelest of oppressor’s to both his aged parent and the people, because by then those who would escape the chains of his slavery as freemen will have fallen into the fiery inferno of merciless subjugation. For, once liberty becomes devoid of order and reason it passes into the harshest and most bitterest form of oppression. Therefore, and rightfully so, should we not take heed to the manner of our democracy’s descent into the spiraling vortex of Socialist tyranny we are facing today?
Indeed, take heed we should. Because the roots of our democracy were nourished with the blood and sacrifice of our ancestor’s long since in their graves, and thus we cannot allow the Democracy and freedoms they bequeathed to us at great cost to perish unopposed by Liberal Party Socialist legislators using only a pen and ink, because if we do not oppose them, upon us will soon come that “Yoke Of Tyranny” of which Plato so long ago wrote, and we will then find ourselves under the onerous subjugation of the most wretched form of government ever devised by man.
Plato was correct when he outlined the evolution of human governments from an Aristocracy (Ruled by the capable and virtuous) to a Timocracy (Ruled of the famous who love to be honored) to an Oligarchy (Ruled by a clique of insiders) to a Democracy ruled by the people themselves, But, he cautioned that without virtue and self-control a Democracy will eventually degenerate into chaos, during which time as the situation becomes untenable a Tyrant will inevitably arise. And, if we do not stand up for ourselves and the great dominion we live in at the next election and change the Globalist Liberal administration’s currently in power, then ask yourself the following question: To whom then, shall we rely upon to defend the ramparts of our rights and freedoms in our stead?
Because, once having forfeited our rights and freedoms by social apathy and political inaction, there will be no one else to rely on, and thus the sacrifices of our forefathers long in their final repose will have been in vain. And, for all this, when the day of accounting comes, the judgement will be that the authors of our misfortune was we ourselves.
To sum up “Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It” — George Santayana, American Poet & Philosopher, 1863 – 1952.

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