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Whitewater Historical Society: Curators Report, December 2019


With the closing of our museum at the end of August volunteers started documenting all the artifacts in the buildings. Our two summer students Noah Lesk and Rachel Ten Hove helped to make it a great season and both assisted in the documentation of artefacts. Many thanks to Conrad Boyce who led this process along with scribes who wrote down the details as he photographed and measured each item. He was joined in his work by Amber Finan, Laura Allan, Brenda Millar, Connie Tabbert, Fay Bennett and me.

This work delayed the winter wrap up until late October. The Museum committee of Hazel Hawthorn, Debbie McLaughlin, Shirley Pilgrim, Joanne Pratt and I were assisted by Amber Finan and Judith Humphries. All fabric items and woolens are now carefully wrapped in acid free tissue and placed in the new large boxes to protect them from little critters. Mouse traps are placed strategically throughout and checked regularly. To date 8 mice have been removed..

The Exhibit Hall Window has been decorated to reflect the changing seasons and now sports a beautiful wooden carved Creche donated by Cindy Doddridge (handmade by her father). Small lighted trees flank this lovely display.

The last year has brought new artefacts of all kinds and we are grateful to our donors. Most recently an amazing artifact of a cash register weighing close to 300lb that was once in Daks store in Cobden. It was given to the museum by Bob Whillans. It must be seen to believe its many features.

Looking forward to 2020, we hope that people who have interesting artifacts will donate them to our collections, especially small vintage toys to add to our children’s section. We really do not need any more schoolbooks and unless Family Bibles are in good shape, we do have a good number already. Please note, the information written inside the front covers of Bibles are often worth copying and saving for genealogical research. As Curator I’ve had much to learn and really appreciate the help of volunteers. If you love antiques or history, Ross Museum is for you. We enjoy having people help even if for an hour or two. We hope to see you at our Christmas Sing along on December 20.

Lawrie Barton, Curator

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