Home Classifieds Ads Whitewater Historical Society Is Hiring Students

Whitewater Historical Society Is Hiring Students


By: Janis Tomkinson

Attention Students

Do you have an interest in promoting local history and artifacts?
Want to meet new people, learn about Whitewater Region and its fascinating past?

The Whitewater Historical Society and Ross Museum invites applications for summer student positions. Located in scenic Foresters Falls, the positions will focus on Archives and Museum exhibits, tours and special events.
Your skills, experience and interest in public relations, client service, digital and social media, communications and leadership, property and garden upkeep, are an asset.
These two positions are a maximum of 12 weeks each and are anticipated to begin June 5, 2023. The hourly wage rate is $15.50 with a maximum of 36 hours per week.

Interested candidates should submit a written resume and cover letter (in MS Word or pdf format) by 5:00 p.m. Friday April 28, 2023 to:

Janis Tomkinson, President, Whitewater Historical Society
Box 41, 2022 Foresters Falls Road
Foresters Falls, ON KOJ1VO

or by email to rossmuseumwhs @gmail.com

We thank all applicants for their interest.

Those selected for an interview will be contacted.

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