Home Council Whitewater`s strategic plan approved

Whitewater`s strategic plan approved


COBDEN — The strategic plan for 2015-2018 for Whitewater Region Township was passed at yesterday’s council meeting.
Chief administrative officer Christine FitzSimons reviewed the plan with the planning committee last week, and it was recommended for approval at yesterday’s council meeting.
As she began the review, Mr. FitzSimons said she was giving the members a place to begin. Changes could be made and some blank spaces had to be filled in, she advised.
She noted this document is not a criticism of any department within the township, but a guiding document to walk council and staff through the future so there is no crisis management all the time.
“This is the long-term road map for the township,” Ms. FitzSimons said.
The first thing the committee approved was the mission and vision statements, which the committee members first saw back in July. She noted they were short and sweet because she is not a fan of being wordy. The vision statement is what does council do as it moves into the future and the mission statement is where do they aim to be in the future.
Vision Statement: The Township of Whitewater Region delivers quality municipal services and supports the creation of opportunities to prosper and live a balanced healthy lifestyle.
Mission Statement: The Township of Whitewater Region offers communities that are safe, affordable, vibrant, sustainable and welcoming for all.
It was suggested that each member of council add objectives into the four-year plan that will be reviewed annually and that public meetings be scheduled to present an updated strategic plan to the residents.
When it came time to review the current plan, which is from 2015 to 2018, Ms. FitzSimons said she realizes there will be a new council in place as of Dec. 3.
“However, even though perhaps there’s a changing of the guard, that doesn’t mean long-range planning isn’t as important as it always has been,” she said. “The new council, come next spring, may want to look at this strategic plan and revisit it and that’s completely fine. It’s a living plan, it’s not etched in stone, it’s meant to be changed and revised.”
The treasurer uses this plan as a tool because it’s the strategies council has decided it wants to fund, she noted.
While there was much further discussion, the final plan comprises of :
Growth and Development: accessibility plans for all municipal facilities; Industrial Park plan presented by staff in spring; improve branding and directional signage; support development of business associations; apply for infrastructure funding – Cobden sewer plant replacement; retain consultant to work on development fees
Municipal Services: develop long term asset management financing plan; review public works operations and staffing requirements; Ross garage improvements; water rates study
Health and Recreation: summer student and swim program – new plan for Cobden Beach
Sustainable Environment: examine environmental services staffing; renew waste/recycling contracts and education efforts
G&D: investigate community partnerships with other municipalities and the private sector; hire community development officer; develop a community development plan; continue working with BEI for Cobden subdivision expansion
MS: property rationalization study (sale of surplus lands); review firehall complement; complete comprehensive zoning bylaw; present budget to council for adoption in January 2016
H&R: review medical services; support re-purposing of CN track
G&D: continue focus on regional nature of township
MS: develop wharf, boat launch and beach long range plan for annual improvements
SE: develop spring waste site clean-up strateg

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