Home Council Zoning By-law Amendment – Part of Lots 1 and 2, Westmeath Concession...

Zoning By-law Amendment – Part of Lots 1 and 2, Westmeath Concession North Front D


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved an amendment to the zoning category of the property described as Part of Lots 1 and 2, Westmeath Concession North Front “D”, Coulonge Lake Trail.

Planner Ivan Burton said the applicant was filed by Paul Gervais on behalf of Eve Francour.

Burton said they filed three severance applications, two to create waterfront properties, and the third to create a new private road.

“One of the conditions of approval was to rezone the properties is to change a portion of the property from an aggregate zone to a waterfront vicinity.” he said. With the other reduce the waterfront separation distance from150m down to 50m.”

An Aggregate impact assessment by JP2G, and found the aggregate there was “of tertiary significance”

“it’s unlikely to support large scale aggregate development, it’s quite distant from market, and there’s an abundance of primary and secondary aggregate in the surrounding area.” Burton said.

He said there was a seasonal property and a property already on the lots and would not require significant development.

There were no applicants in attendance.

Mayor Moore asked if the private road will come off of the present public road, which Burton confirmed it would come off of Coulonge Road.

Burton said the aggregate designation will stay on the adjacent land.

The motion was carried.

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