2.7 C

Library and Seniors Task Force Appointments

Clerk Carmen Miller reported that the Library and the Seniors Task Force had new members to be approved by Council. “Monica La Grotta is an...

Flood Preparedness

The Council received Dr. Jennifery Spinney, and Dr. Doberstein receive the study “How Disaster Feels”, on the subject of flooding. CAO Ryan Trembley reported that...

Meeting End: Minutes and By-laws

Adoption of minutes The council approved the previous meeting minutes. He briefly addressed the correspondence and asked if there were any questions on them. Councillor Jackson asked...

Waste Recovery Centre

The Council heard a proposal to inform the Ottawa Valley Waste Management Board that it is not proceeding with buy-in at this time, in...

Notices of Motion

Mayor Moore requested any notice of motion. Councillor Mackay said he had received a lot of complaints regarding the landfill fees, particularly from farmers. “We’ve jacked...

Council Meeting Announcements

Reeve Regier announced Julie Parr as Finance Assistant, and a member of volunteer fire department. She also announced several changes to the Fire Department, with...

Stormwater Assessment

The Council moved to approve the award of RFP 2020-22 Stormwater Assessment, Planning and Implementation of the Cobden Agriculture Area to Hutchinson Environmental Sciences...