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Cobden Civitan Club Hosts 27th Anniversary Charity Golf Tournament

Mary Moss, Cobden Civitan Club On Friday July 29th the Cobden Civitan Club held our 27th Charity Golf Tournament in support of health care in...

Former Soldier Holds Pembroke Art Show Benefits Robbie Dean Center

Former soldier Jack Baker found art to cope with his PTSD, and organized an art show at the Nook Creperie on Monday, August 22. Seven...

The Past, Present, and Future of the Eganville Leader: Open Presentation in Osceola

Community newspapers play a vital role in capturing current and past local stories. The Bromley Historical Society is pleased and honoured to have Gerald...

Thank You from the Whitewater Historical Society

After two years of closure, the Whitewater Historical Society is very happy we were able to open for 2022 But we couldn’t have done it...

Outstanding Youth Bursary Recipients 2022

The following was taken from the script posted on the Whitewater Region Township website, as read by Reeve Cathy Regier: Jenna Thoms: The Township of...

Public Meeting: Voyager Bay

Disclaimer: Joe Kowalski, who features in this story, owns the Whitewater News and employs the writer and editor of this paper. Brian Whitehead, joined by...