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Tales, Fables, & Urban Legends

Old wives tales, fables, urban legends, folklore, conspiracy theories, storytelling: there is so much for the brain, it needs to process like a dual-mode...

OPP Detachment Report

OPP Renfrew Detachment Commander Dawn Ferguson presented a report to Council on the OPP Renfrew Detachment and their future plans within Whitewater Region. “The OPP...

Official Plan Amendment Prompts Public Criticism

Planner Alex Benzie presented on the amendment to adjust the settlement area of the Village of Cobden for the purposes of future growth. She said...

Ottawa Valley Tourist Association Conference and AGM

Press Release OVTA Pembroke, Ontario – The Ottawa Valley Tourist Association (OVTA) is hosting their first in-person tourism conference and annual general meeting in three years...

Cameron Street Report

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received a report for information purposes as it relates to an update on the rehabilitation of...

Resident criticizes Cameron Street Construction

“One thing that we can all agree on is that the Cameron Street rehabilitation project did not go according to plan.” Ralph Lance said. The...

OCWA Presentation: Water Quality of Muskrat Lake Water Plant

Dr. Yaldeh Azimi with the POTs group of OCWA presented a review of options to address water treatment challenges for the Whitewater Region treatment...

An Afternoon of Song

Submitted by Blaine Marchand Please join the Bromley Historical Society on Saturday, April 15th, 2pm, for an afternoon of eclectic grassroots music. The event will take...

Renfrew County Regional Science Fair Returns for First In-Person Fair in 4 years

Press ReleaseRenfrew County Regionl Science Fair Renfrew County Regional Science Fair Returns for First In-Person Fair in 4 years After a long wait due to the...