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Report on solar panels received

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Last night, the Environmental Services Committee presented a report for information purposes to the Council of the Township of Whitewater...

By-laws read, passed at meeting last night

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Last night, three by-laws were read and passed by the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region. By-law 19-11-1224 was read...

Tax supported budgets for 2020

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Last night, the General Government Committee for the Township of Whitewater Region presented to Council the updated draft of the...


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — On October 31, Whitewater News reported there will be a public meeting regarding the 2020 Draft Tax Supported Operating Budget...


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — On October 31, Whitewater News reported, “due to the current numbers from 118 residents who have submitted the survey, it...

Poor turnout, weather at Street Strut this year

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) -- The rain came and went, making sure attendees were not drenched while enjoying the nightly festivities on July 13 at this...

Notice of the passing of a zoning by-law by the corporation of the Township...

Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitewater Region passed By-law No. 19-07-1187 on the 3rd day of July...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Residents applaud Council’s decision last night

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) -- Residents of Olmstead-Jeffrey Lake Road lined the room at the meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region last...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Zoning Public Meeting on Non-Conforming Policies

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) -- A zoning public meeting was held last night to amend two by-laws to permit an increase in the height of...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Commercial campground

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) -- A public meeting was held last night at the Council meeting for the Township of Whitewater Region. It was for...