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Whitewater Region Council Stops Westmeath Cenotaph Move

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region discussed the relocation of the Westmeath Cenotaph to Boyer-Laderoute Park, and ultimately voted 5-2 to stop...

Locals Seek Solution to Beatty’s Trail Damage

The Council heard a report from two groups regarding Beatty’s Trail, a private road used for cottage access that had suffered damage due to...

Council Contested on Curbside Pickup

That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve a pilot program for curbside collection of leaf & yard waste in 2021. Lane Cleroux said...

Wren Drive

The Council of Whitewater Region heard a notice of motion that: That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve the designation of lands not...

Powers Road Agreement

The Township of Whitewater Region reviewed a proposal to enter an agreement for an unopened portion of Powers Road. Councillor Carmen Miller said that the...

Rise in Drive-by Littering

Councillor Olmstead brought up a “greater level of littering” along highways or roads, with more smaller litter. He brought up a specific instance of...

Council Views Wilderness Tours Report

Editor's Note: The Whitewater News is owned by Joe Kowalski and is printed out of River Run Rafting and Wilderness Tours. The Council for the...

Cobden Band Shell to be named for Patsy Moore

Alexander Leach, Editor A motion was put forward to reserve the commemorative naming of the bandshell in Veteran’s Memorial Park to rename the shell aft...

Township to Support EORN for Regional Internet Upgrades

Alexander Leach, Editor Recommend to support the Eastern Ontario Regional Network’s Gigabyte project, which would expand broadband internet and improve connectivity in the whitewater region. CAO...

Garbage, recycling collection on pause until July 8

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) -- Do not place your garbage and recycling curbside. At least until the week of July 8, according to a news release...