-9.6 C

Memories of summer threshing from 1958

By Maynard van der Galien I never heard of fires being started by overheated bearings and causing a fire in the days when grain was...
Photos Taken or Submitted by Alexander Leach. September 8th Council Meeting via Youtube, with Mayor Moore at top right on screen, remotely attending due to testing positive for COVID-19

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 16 Main Street Cobden

The Council heard a recommendation that Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve an amendment to the zoning category of the property known...
Photos Taken or Submitted by Alexander Leach. September 8th Council Meeting via Youtube, with Mayor Moore at top right on screen, remotely attending due to testing positive for COVID-19

Redline Changes for Wren Subdivision

The Council heard a recommendation that Council of the Township of Whitewater Region support the granting of the red-line revisions to the Wren Subdivision...
Photos Taken or Submitted by Alexander Leach. September 8th Council Meeting via Youtube, with Mayor Moore at top right on screen, remotely attending due to testing positive for COVID-19

Public Meeting on Cottager’s Appeal for Garbage Pickup Fee Exception

Joseph Grunwald spoke in a public meeting before the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region, to ask the Council to make an exception...

Cobden Terry Fox Walk 2022 [Paid Ad]

Cobden Terry Fox Walk42nd Annual and First In-person Walk since 2019 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH,AT: LOGOS LAND – COBDENWHEN : 11 AM – 3PMBBQ FOR PARTICIPANTS Questions-...

Cobden Fair

The 163rd Cobden Fair of August 26-29 was apparently quite successful - while the editor was not present, several community members answered his request...

Story Addendum: The Past, Present, and Future

The following is an addendum to last week’s story, “The Past, Present, and Future of the Eganville Leader”. In addition to last week’s story, Eganville...

Ross Museum Guide To Move On

Alexander Leach, Editor Clark Burger’s time as guide for the Ross Museum in Forester’s Falls was gone too soon, he said. “I have only been here...

Cobden Fair August 26-29 2022

The 163rd Cobden Fair opens on August 26th at the Astrolabe Road Fairgrounds in Cobden, just off the highway. The fair lasts for three days...