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May 17 2023 Council Mayor’s Address

Mayor Neil Nicholson held an address, where he acknowledged the trauma and effort incurred by the recently-terminated flooding emergency. “Whether it’s due to damage directly...
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May 17 2023 Council Public Meetings

The following public meetings occurred at May 17th’s Council Meeting for the Township of Whitewater Region: -The Muskrat Watershed Council introduced itself to the Council...
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Zoning Bylaw Amendment May 3 2023

The Township of Whitewater Region heard a recommendation That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve an amendment to the zoning category of...
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MPAC Presentation

Jennifer Gruntz presented to the Council on MPAC, a property assessment company dedicated to assessing Ontario p “Every municipality uses our assessments to make informed...

Joe Kowalski Calls for 50km Speed Limit on Grant Setttlement Road

Editor’s Note: Joe Kowalski owns the Whitewater News Joe Kowalski spoke in front of Council about a proposed speed limit reduction on Grant Settlement Road. He...

Tour de Whitewater

John Purdon presented to the Council about the Tour de Whitewater, outlining their intent to hold the cycling competition on July 6th of this...
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Mayor Calls Emergency over Flooding Risk

The Regular Council meeting for the Township of Whitewater Region on May 3 began at 1:07pm in the Municipal Building in Cobden, Ontario. Mayor Nicholson...

OPP Detachment Report

OPP Renfrew Detachment Commander Dawn Ferguson presented a report to Council on the OPP Renfrew Detachment and their future plans within Whitewater Region. “The OPP...

Volunteer Awards 2023

The Council awarded three Whitewater residents with Volunteer awards in honour of Volunteer Week: Annabel Springer, Youth Volunteer Award. Beth Ethier, “Organizing baseball games, Facebook posts,...

Official Plan Amendment Prompts Public Criticism

Planner Alex Benzie presented on the amendment to adjust the settlement area of the Village of Cobden for the purposes of future growth. She said...