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Cobden Water/Wastewater FAQ

In addition to the interview, Public Works Manager Lane Cleroux sent the Whitewater News an FAQ, available at the Township Office, which can receive...

Zoning Amendment for Lapasse Road

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved an amendment to the zoning category of the property located at 605 LaPasse Road, from...
Renfrew County health unit

Lockdown Extended to June 2

Press ReleaseRCDHU The Ontario Government announced that it is extending the province wide Stay-at-Home Order (O.Reg. 265/21) until at least June 2, 2021. All public health...

Alex Has Opinions: Water Costly in Cobden?

I’ve been hearing several complaints about the rising cost of water in Cobden, and how its effecting the retirement community. At least some people...

Regular Council Meeting May 5

Alexander Leach Editor-in-Chief WHITEWATER REGION - The Township of Whitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting at 4:46pm on May 5, conducted via Zoom call...

Barbara MacWha Scholarship to Help Whitewater Students of All Ages

Alexander Leach, Editor WHITEWATER - The Whitewater Region Public Library will provide scholarships of $500 to any library patrons pursuing post-secondary education, thanks to contributions...

Maple Ridge Hollows Greenhouse Opened

FORESTER'S FALLS - Maple Ridge Hollows' Greenhouse, owned by James and Mary Bauman, opened for business with a variety of flowers and herbs this...

Council Contested on Curbside Pickup

That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve a pilot program for curbside collection of leaf & yard waste in 2021. Lane Cleroux said...

Regular Council Meeting April 21st

The Township of Whitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting on Thursday, April 21st at 4:45pm. The meeting was held via Zoom, and broadcast on...

Special Council Meeting April 14

Alexander Leach, Editor WHITEWATER - The Township of Whitewater Region held a special council meeting on April 14th, 2021 at 4:45pm, held online via Zoom...