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Letter: A New Mayor

Its been a whirlwind this past week.  From the stressful lead up to election night and then getting the results Monday night.  I'm overwhelmed...

Thanksgiving is about Gratitude, not Turkey

I was perplexed by Reader’s Digest 66 reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Many of their reasons seem to be way off my way...

Memories of summer threshing from 1958

By Maynard van der Galien I never heard of fires being started by overheated bearings and causing a fire in the days when grain was...

Thank You from the Whitewater Historical Society

After two years of closure, the Whitewater Historical Society is very happy we were able to open for 2022 But we couldn’t have done it...

A Letter of Thanks

Editor’s Note: The author of the letter wished to remain anonymous. I was having a very down and depressed time that day and had gone...

Whitewater River Access: One Resident’s Opinion

There’s a-whole lotta movin’ and a-shakin’ down here on Whitewater’s Grant Settlement Road (GSR) these days. Three plus newspaper pages dedicated to a council...

Alex Gets Feedback: Freedom To Be Sick of this Nonsense

Sorry if you’re sick of my poorly-groomed face, but I got considerable feedback on last week’s editorial regarding the trucker protest in Ottawa, and...

Letter to the Editor: Bromley Street Should Not Be Changed

Editor's Note: The November 17th Council Meeting saw the Council move to keep the street's name as Bromley. This letter was received on November...

Letter to the Editor: Ban on Game Meet Wasteful

Its time to change this bad law. Did you know that a lot of hunted game meat ends up in landfill? This is not something...

Letter of Thanks Beachburg

Beachburg Horticulture Society thanks the Recreation Committee of Whitewater Region for your financial assistance toward the purchase of 12 large planters prepared and placed...