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Questions remain concerning 5G technology

Dear Editor: We did it. We all made it to Summertime. Beauty surrounds us. No one is wearing winter coats. Baby fruits adorn many trees,...

This election is tough, how the issues impact folk in the country

Dear Editor, This election is tough. My good buddy Mac who is a diehard Lefty swings wildly from despair to elation and back, despite the lefts consistent tradition of “misunderestimating” the mood of the people on the...

MP Gallant brings derision to our area with her claims

Dear Editor, MP Cheryl Gallant recently made national news again.

Letter to the Editor: Alex Got Lost

Further comment on former Dougherty house: My husband Basil Wright and his father J.C. Wright (both deceased)owned this property for several years in the late...

Climate rally tomorrow in Pembroke

Dear Editor, The marathon “COP 25” global climate action conference ended without any international agreement. It makes more sense to call this conference “COP-Out 25.”...

Mainstream media doesn’t give us the full perspective

Dear Editor, I don’t understand why the media coverage of COVID-19 hasn’t included any mention of the H1N1 virus. It was compared to SARS, but...

Turnout for library fundraiser was a shame

Dear Whitewater Community, On Thursday evening, June 13 my friend and I had the privilege of being entertained by the members of Odyssey Theatre Troupe...

Childhood cancers take a significant toll on families

Dear Editor: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and for the 1,500 children and teens diagnosed with cancer each year, it is an important time...

Thank you for the news, pictures

Dear Editor, I have lived in Sudbury for fifty years (God help me). The first twenty years of my life was spent on the Queensline....

Cancer Society says thanks

Dear Editor,  Monday, Feb. 4 was World Cancer Day and we at the Canadian Cancer Society want to thank our donors and supporters for all they’ve done and...