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Election Recount Results 2022

Whitewater Region, Ontario – November 1, 2022The Township, led by the Clerk/Returning Officer Carmen Miller, held theautomatic recount for the office of councillor on...

Ron Laronde for Councillor: Communication with Council

I spoke to Ron Laronde of Cobden, who is running for Councillor, and asked him a few questions regarding the election. I asked him what...

Neil Nicholson For Mayor: Questions

Alexander Leach, Editor Editor's Note: I asked a few questions to Councillor Neil Nicholson, who is running for Mayor in the October 24th Election. Here...

Bob’s Meanderings: Election Fever in the Whitewater Region

Election fever has ignited the masses in Whitewater Region. Well maybe not firing them up but at least having mild discussions about those running...

Connie Tabbert and the 2022 Election

Connie Tabbert wrote her own bio, and sent it to me. I add it here with minimal edits, and include some of my own...

Alex Has Opinions On the Election 2022

Election Coming up, and I, once again, realize I am not a political journalist. When I was 18, and could finally vote, part of me...

Publisher’s Corner: Joe Kowalski Running for Councillor 2022

Editor’s Note: Joe Kowalski pays me and produces this paper. As such, he asked me to write something on his policy, so I felt...

Special Groups Question

Susan Dagenais asked: “with all that's going on the world, will you ensure that the anti-Christian and anti-community campaign in our schools is opposed? She...

Daycare Access

“There aren’t any registered daycares in Whitewater.” asked one woman. “How will the council deal with resources to child care?” Chris Olmstead said he went...

Beachburg Ice Rink Question

Rob Mackay said he had ‘just found out’ that Beachburg arena would be not in operation, due to the damage to its ammonia pipes...