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Alex Has Opinions on The Beachburg Fair and Safety

Alexander Leach, Editor The Beachburg Fair begins tomorrow, July 22, and lasts the 23 and 24th. Pictures are included on the next page, along with the...

Alex Has Been Doing This for Two Years, and is Cautiously Optimistic

Two years of the Whitewater news. July 1st is my benchmark for yearly volumes. I joined the paper in 2020, in the swing of the...

Alex Gets Feedback: Freedom To Be Sick of this Nonsense

Sorry if you’re sick of my poorly-groomed face, but I got considerable feedback on last week’s editorial regarding the trucker protest in Ottawa, and...

Alex Has Opinions: Conspiracies, Controversies, Complaints

Alexander Leach: Editor Bob wrote his column on conspiracies last – those convoluted plots where everyone is lied to and controlled by sinister secret groups....

Alex Has Opinions: The Weather Outside is Frightful

I can’t take much more of this indecisive weather. I fall asleep when it rains. I’ve slept until dusk before just because it was cold...

Alex Has Opinions: The Weather Outside Is Frightful

I can’t take much more of this indecisive weather. I fall asleep when it rains. I’ve slept until dusk before just because it was cold...

Alex Has Opinions: Water Costly in Cobden?

I’ve been hearing several complaints about the rising cost of water in Cobden, and how its effecting the retirement community. At least some people...

Alex Got Lost: Finding Garbage, Environment and the Misconception of Personal Responsibility

Alexander Leach, Editor-In-Chief Though I’ve been negligent in posting it, I love to find old garbage and wrecks in the woods. Growing up in the 90s...

Alex Has Opinions: Rednecks and Acceptance

One year of pandemic. One year of indoors. The vaccines for the much-hated COVID-19 are going out, and people are once again looking forward to...

Letter: Pandemic Questions with No Answers

Are you fed up with this pandemic? Are you fed up with having to wear a mask when you go out into a store?...