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Parks and Recreation Feb 17

Jordan Durocher reported on behalf of Parks and Recreation. “Despite the closure of Cobden and Westmeath arenas” Jordan Durocher said that they managed to get...

EOWC Appoints Chair and Vice-Chair for 2021

Press ReleaseEOWC Eastern Ontario, January 11, 2021 – The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC), at its annual inaugural meeting last week, appointed Warden Debbie Robinson...

4-H Still Going Strong Despite Covid

Press ReleaseProvided by Ian Clelland The 4-H Motto “Learn to do by Doing” has gone virtual as Members and Leaders took on a new learning...

Eco-friendly Lent: Here are some things you can give up

ONTARIO — Participating in Lent? Here are some suggestions. Lent is a Christian event in preparation for Easter and it is officially underway. Typically,...

Dallas Foran

It is with deep sorrow that the family of Dallas Bridget Foran (Code) announces her passing on Thursday, January 16th at 88 years old,...

Upper Ottawa Valley OPP festive R.I.D.E. program

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) 2019 Festive R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) campaign commenced on November 23 and will continue...

Four drivers charged with stunt driving in one day

RENFREW COUNTY -- On Sunday September 15, members of the Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were on patrol in...
Bob Grylls

Botox – a Blessing or a Curse

I was at the Westmeath Arena the other day arranging heavy tables when I began to sweat. A crazy thought came into my head....

Youth invited to share ideas for a mural

PEMBROKE -- A new mural will be created in the Pembroke area in the summer of 2019, following requests from youth for more creative...