Home Weather Heat warning, humidity fuel thunderstorm risk

Heat warning, humidity fuel thunderstorm risk


ONTARIO — The first heat event of the season will continue through today. Daytime temperatures in the low thirties are expected again, with humidex values in the mid 30’s. A cold front will bring a few showers and lower temperatures to Eastern Ontario on Friday.

Yesterday was another scorcher of a day, with daytime highs soaring around 35ºC and feeling closer to 41ºC with the humidity. The humidity and heat are key ingredients in thunderstorm formation, but the risk is largely confined to eastern Ontario near the Ottawa Valley, as well as stretching upward into northern Ontario.

The strongest risks from the storms will be heavy rainfall and powerful wind gusts, likely to be seen this afternoon and evening. Bertha made landfall in South Carolina yesterday morning. It is bringing heavy rain and powerful winds to parts of the U.S. before its impacts are felt in Canada. Storms could bring heavy rain, strong winds and small hail. 

Conditions will begin returning back to seasonal tomorrow. Temperatures will fall even further into the weekend with temperatures no higher than the upper teens and chilly weekend nights.

Monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

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