Home Council Pinewood Park Campground Zoning Amendment Rejected by Council

Pinewood Park Campground Zoning Amendment Rejected by Council


Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve an amendment to the zoning categories for the property located at 165A Pinewood Park Road to permit the additional use of a camping establishment having a maximum of four camping lots subject to a holding symbol in order to complete:
–      an Environmental Impact Study (inclusive of a scoped lakeshore capacity assessment/shoreline assessment, and
–      a Site Plan Agreement and detailed Site Development Plan.

There were no mover or seconder, so CAO Trembley said the Mayor had to go to a motion to reject the amendment to the zoning category.

Burton provided an overview on the proposal, which was held in a previous public meeting in which local residents claimed harassment from the applicant.

Councillor Mackay requested a recorded vote on the motion to reject.

Councillor McLaughlin was in favour of the motion to reject

Councillor Nicholson hesitated before voting in favour to reject

Councillor Olmstead voted in favour of rejecting, as did Councillor Mackay, Reeve Regier, and Mayor Moore.

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