-4.2 C

Tourist Booth and Taste of the Valley

The Council directed staff to prepare for the opening of the Tourist Booth located at Veteran’s Memorial Park for the months of June, July...

Firefighter Mandatory Training To be Done In-House

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received this report for information purposes and direct the Fire Chief to prepare for the pending...

Council Renumeration By-law Delayed to Allow Community Feedback

The Council heard the recommendation to approve the minor modifications to council remuneration from 2022 to 2026. CAO Rob Trembley said that their ad in...

Community Foundation offers Grants up to $10,000

Press ReleaseCommunity Foundation The Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation (PPDCF) is now launching their annual granting process. Eligible registered charitable applicants are invited to submit...

Pembroke Regional Hospital Radiothon Raises $45,140

Press ReleasePRH (Pembroke) On March 3rd, residents across the Ottawa Valley tuned into 104.9 MyFM as the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation (PRHF) hosted its 5th...

Whitewater River Access: One Resident’s Opinion

There’s a-whole lotta movin’ and a-shakin’ down here on Whitewater’s Grant Settlement Road (GSR) these days. Three plus newspaper pages dedicated to a council...

Whitewater Ontario Proposal for Public River Access to Require “Memorandum of Understanding”

Disclaimer: Joe Kowalski owns and publishes the Whitewater News, and this is a disclosure of that connection. The Council heard the motion “That Council of...

OPG supports RVH Emergency Department Renovations

The Emergency Department renovations currently taking place at Renfrew Victoria Hospital got a huge shot in the arm with the presentation of a $50,000...

NFU on Supply Chain Fragility

Press ReleaseNational Farmer’s Union (Ottawa) — “Resolving supply chain vulnerabilities requires planning to prioritize resilience and stability instead of putting all our policy eggs in...

Ottawa Valley Tourism Awards

Press ReleaseOVTA Pembroke, Ontario – The Ottawa Valley Tourism Awards are presented annually by the Ottawa Valley Tourist Association (OVTA) to individuals, businesses, and events...