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Zoning By-law Amendment 1332 Lachlane Lane

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received comments from the public at the public meeting and direct staff to bring back a...

Tax Rates 2022

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the 2022 tax rates as presented. Councillor Mackay pointed out that there was no police listed...

Marriage License Fees

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved a fee of $125.00 for residents and $150.00 for non-residents for marriage license applications, subject...

Business Retention and Expansion project

That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received a report for information purposes with an update on the survey completion for the Business...

Notices of Motion May 18 Council

Livestock Culvert - 450 Rapid Road Councillor Neil Nicholson put forward a notice of motion for Township staff to address the culvert at Rapid Road,...

Announcements Council May 18

Councillor Announcements from the Meeting: Councillor Nicholson said that a wildland fire happened off of Grant Settlement Road, damaging softwood trees before it was brought...

Regular Council Meeting May 18

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region met at 4:49pm on May 18 for the Regular Council Meeting. The meeting...

Special Council Meeting May 11 2022

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region met at 4:49pm on May 4 for the Regular Council Meeting. The meeting...

H&H Tender for Beachburg Roadwork

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of Tender 2022-05 Rehabilitation of Cameron Street, Earl Street, and Vera Crescent to...

Pinewood Road Zoning By-law Amendment Faces Opposition

The Council had a public meeting regarding a plan to implement a zoning by-law amendment to permit four new camp-sites at 165A Pinemount Rd,...