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Regular Council Meeting July 7

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN – The Township of WHitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting July 7 at 4:45 PM, livestreamed on youtube via Zoom. There...

Whitewater Region Council Stops Westmeath Cenotaph Move

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region discussed the relocation of the Westmeath Cenotaph to Boyer-Laderoute Park, and ultimately voted 5-2 to stop...

Regular Council Meeting June 16

The regular council meeting was held at 4:49pm on June 16, broadcast via Youtube. There were no disclosures of interest. The meeting is available on Youtube....

Regular Council Meeting June 2

The Township of Whitewater Region held their Regular Council Meeting at 4:49pm on June 2, conducted via Zoom and broadcast on Youtube. "Instead of...

Regular Council Meeting May 19

The Regular Council Meeting of the Township of Whitewater Region began at 4:51pm on May 19, conducted by Zoom call and livestreamed onto Youtube.  There...

Notice of Motion: Quarterly Report

Councillor Jackson - Quarterly Report Recommendation: Whereas, staff prepare an administration report on a quarterly basis outlining departmental activities; and Whereas, the report is in writing...

Regular Council Meeting May 5

Alexander Leach Editor-in-Chief WHITEWATER REGION - The Township of Whitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting at 4:46pm on May 5, conducted via Zoom call...

Councillor brings Notice of Motion to add Landfill Weight Scales

Whereas, the Township of Whitewater Region modified landfill fees and users have expressed concerns with increases and affordability; Whereas, a study is underway to maximize...

Locals Seek Solution to Beatty’s Trail Damage

The Council heard a report from two groups regarding Beatty’s Trail, a private road used for cottage access that had suffered damage due to...

Council Contested on Curbside Pickup

That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve a pilot program for curbside collection of leaf & yard waste in 2021. Lane Cleroux said...