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Marc Audet to Play at Bromley Historial Society

Submitted by Blaine Marchand On Saturday, July 9th at 2pm, the Bromley Historical Society begins its 2022 series of events on a high note, -...

Whitewater Historical Society Needs Volunteers

Volunteers are busy cleaning and setting up the buildings in the museum in hopes of visitors coming this season. The community can help as...

Whitewater Gardeners LOVE Peonies

Lawrie Barton, Whitewater Horticulural Society Ten hardy members on a cold and windy Saturday in June visited the gardens of Blaine Marchand and Jamie Robertson...

Women’s Institute Zion-Line-Beachburg: Children Plant Victory Garden

Maria Douma-Ramsay, Women’s Institute A member from the Zion Line-Beachburg branch Wendy Hallock ( owner of Covenant Farms) approached a local school to volunteer her...

Cobden Holds First Decoration Service in 2 Years

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - The Grace United Church of Cobden held the first Decoration Day and Memorial service in two years, since the start...

WDRA Golf Tournament Results

Beth Ethier, WDRA On June 18th the WDRA hosted a golf tournament to raise funds for the hall and programming in our community at the...

Seniors’ Task Force Final Report

Councillor Neil Nicholson presented the final report of the Senior’s Task Force for Whitewater Region for the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region. “The...

Public Meeting: Council Gauges Response to Plan to Rezone Cobden Properties for Growth

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - Residents of Cobden and the surrounding area attended the June 22 Council Meeting for a public meeting regarding the rezoning...

Renfrew County ATV Club, B101 OR BUST! Pakkotinna Trail, 5th Annual Event

Renfrew County ATV Club, B101 OR BUST! Pakkotinna Trail, 5th Annual EventFriday, June 17th to Sunday, June 19th Trailhead across from THE SANDS ON GOLDEN...

Whitewater Historical Society Elects New Board of Directors

The Whitewater Historical Society recently elected a new Executive Board of Directors. The four member board consists of Janis Tomkinson, President; Judith Humphries, Vice-President;...