-14.3 C

Public Works Feb 17

Manager of Public Works Lane Cleroux reported that the final gravel roads were finished on several roads, and the ploughs were fitted for winter...

Site Plan Control

The Council Of the Township of Whitewater Region heard a motion to approve a Site Plan agreement with Snyders Equipment services to permit the...

Rotary Lifts

The Council heard the application to accept the purchase of a set of 4 Rotary Lifts from ISN Canada Group Holdings Inc. For $59,590.66. Lane...

Tender Results of Sale

The Council heard the motion to proceed with negotiations with an adjacant vacant land in the Industrial Park as an addition for agricultural use. CAO...

Joint Job Evaluation

The Council saw a motion to approve the award o the Joint Job Evaluation and Pay Equity Project to Cornerstones Management Solutions Limited at...


Councillor Nicholson presented a motion for Whitewater Region to join the Canadian Radiocommunications Information and Notification Service. “We know there are going to be new...

LED Lighting at Dark Intersections

The council heard a notice of motion to review options to illuminate intersections with LED lighting. Councillor Nicholson said that Lapasse and Lookout Road, Gore...

Landfill Fees

The Township heard a notion of motion to prepare a report for landfill fees for the year of 2021. Councillor Mackay said that “the landfill...

Truck Purchase

The Council heard a motion to purchase a Chevy Silverado truck at $42,872 from Mack Mackenzie Motors for use by the Park and Recreation. Councillor...

Regular Council Meeting Feb 17 Announcements

Reeve Regier said that the Ontario Winter Games was looking for volunteers for the event. Councillor McLaughlin reported a “Very, very successful fishing derby without...